SDG Meditate

A Podcast Series of meditations exploring the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Where to start? How can I help? What’s my passion? What cause do I champion?

Or maybe it’s all too much, what are the goals? Why are we pursuing them? Are they even possible?

These questions can leave us thinking that maybe we are just one person and how much of an impact can I have on my community, never mind the global community.

Or perhaps you have been dedicating as much time as possible to engaging in as many acts as possible to champion as many things as possible and are hoping to help achieve as many of the sustainable goals as possible and now, you are just a little tired and are looking for a reminder about what got you motivated in the first place and need a little time to re-energise and re-ignite that passion you have for being part of the world which strives for the SDG’s to be met. 

We have developed a meditation podcast series which will give you the chance to not only take time to re-energise but to allow you to consider each of the sustainable development goals both as an individual and as part of the collective.

This is a no pressure podcast.

It’s aim is to bring the goals into your life in a gentle way which is also beneficial for your health and happiness!

Let’s make the sustainable development goals happen through a societal change in our mindset towards the challenges which face our world. When we stop to consider and be conscious of the world around us, who knows what the impact will be!

Listen to our interview with Global Heath Talks

Where we discuss our vision of SDG meditate, and the benefits of using meditation to support activists. Plus get to know us a little bit better :)

Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG 5 Gender Equality Collective

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

A guided meditation inviting you to explore your relationship with education and encouraging you to expand your definition to include a variety of learning styles to support your natural curiosity.

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG 5 Gender Equality Individual

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

A guided meditation inviting you to explore your relationship with education and encouraging you to expand your definition to include a variety of learning styles to support your natural curiosity.

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG 4 Quality Education Collective

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

A guided meditation encouraging you to rethink what quality education means to you and your community. We hope that you'll finish this meditation feeling empowered and eager to share your knowledge and learn from those in your community.

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG 4 Quality Education Individual

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

A guided meditation inviting you to explore your relationship with education and encouraging you to expand your definition to include a variety of learning styles to support your natural curiosity.

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG Meditate Introduction

Welcome to SDG Meditate, a podcast series of meditations exploring the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. For each goal we have two meditations, one introspective meditation reflecting on your individual relationship with the goal, and one considering how our world could look through collective action.

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG 3 Good Health & Wellbeing Collective

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

A guided visualisation of a potential future society, wherein people are mostly healthy. Where our physical, mental and emotional health is respected and understood. And where our framework of society allows us to support those who are sick. A collective reimagining of culture and support systems so that good health is the default.

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG 3 Good Health & Wellbeing Individual

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

A guided visualisation meditation wherein we imagine stable food sources, local agriculture and good clean food being available to each and every person on the plant. By imagining the earths changes through the seasons and how bountiful the planet is we hope to inspire listeners and encourage feelings that it is possible to end hunger with the resources already available to us.

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG 2 Zero Hunger Collective

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

Guided visualisation meditation wherein we imagine stable food sources, local agriculture and good clean food being available to each and every person on the plant. By imagining the earths changes through the seasons and how bountiful the planet is we hope to inspire listeners and encourage feelings that it is possible to end hunger with the resources already available to us.

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG 2 Zero Hunger Individual

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

This meditation focuses you, your body and where your drive for change or hunger comes from. Hunger is a primal feeling and is linked with our desires and it is what drives us toward success. In truly feeling the sensations in the body and the emotions that rest in the belly, we can identify what is driving us and why we would even want to work towards a world without hunger when our needs our met. This meditation is about fulling your cup emotionally so that you can act from a place that is of service to the whole.

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG 1 No Poverty Collective

End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Poverty is evident all over the world. We don’t have to look far to see people struggling with money on or below the poverty line. This meditation reflects on poverty within our society and invites the meditator to imagine a world where there is no poverty.

We hope that you finish this meditation feeling empowered and hopeful for the fair communities that we can begin creating now.

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG 1 No Poverty Individual

End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

The aim of this meditation is to create space for you to explore your relationship with poverty within your own life and with the greater world. We acknowledge that poverty is a triggering topic and that deeply considering your relationship with it may be difficult, so we ask that you treat yourself with kindness if strong emotions do appear.

Together we can make a difference, and taking this time to consider your relationship with poverty is important for ensure that you are leading changes within your life from a full heart space and not from fear.

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG Meditate Closing Meditation

Winding down , this meditation is designed to release any thoughts or emotions that have come up while contemplating the SGDs and prepare you for empowered movement in the world. Thank you for taking the time to meditate on the SDGs! You’re amazing!

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Niamh Hennessy Niamh Hennessy

SDG Meditate Opening Meditation

We lead very busy lives, and often it is hard to calm the mind enough to meditate effectively, especially when we're contemplating big topics like the SDGs, This meditation is design to calm the mind to prepare for whichever SDG you choose to meditate on.

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